Top 6 Foods: What Can Budgies Eat?

Discover what can budgies eat! Explore safe and nutritious foods for your feathered friend from cilantro to watermelon, bananas to grapes. Explore a variety of fruits and vegetables that can contribute to the health and happiness of your budgie companion. Find out what budgies can eat and how to provide a balanced diet.

Expert Opinion on Budgie Diet

Dr. Sarah Thompson, Avian Veterinarian:

“A healthy budgie diet is crucial for their well-being. It should be balanced and provide all the essential nutrients they need to thrive. Pellets formulated for budgies should form the base of their diet, as they offer a complete and balanced source of nutrition. However, variety is key! Offering a mix of safe fruits, vegetables, and occasional treats can enrich their diet and provide additional vitamins, minerals, and mental stimulation. Remember, moderation is important. Sugary fruits and fatty treats should be offered sparingly to avoid health problems.”

Dr. Michael Brown, Budgie Nutrition Specialist:

“Many owners struggle with picky eaters. Don’t get discouraged! Introduce new foods gradually, and offer a variety of textures and colors to entice your budgie. Chopping vegetables into bite-sized pieces can make them easier to consume. Germinating seeds can boost their nutritional value and make them more appealing. Remember, a healthy budgie diet is an investment in their long-term health and happiness. Regular vet checkups can help identify any potential dietary deficiencies and ensure your budgie is on the right track.”

Case Study: Expanding a Budgie’s Diet


Charlie, a young budgie, primarily eats the seeds provided in his cage. His owner, Michael, notices Charlie isn’t very active and seems less interested in playing. Michael wants to introduce healthier options into Charlie’s diet.

Action Taken:

Michael researches safe fruits and vegetables for budgies. He starts by offering Charlie a small, chopped piece of apple. He also purchases a bag of high-quality budgie pellets formulated for complete nutrition.


Charlie shows initial hesitation but eventually nibbles on the apple piece. Over time, Michael introduces other safe vegetables like broccoli florets and shredded carrots. He mixes the budgie pellets with a small amount of Charlie’s favorite seeds, gradually increasing the pellet percentage. Charlie becomes more enthusiastic about the new food options and his activity level increases significantly.

Key Takeaways:

  • A balanced budgie diet should include pellets, safe fruits and vegetables, and occasional treats.
  • Variety and proper food preparation are essential for a healthy and happy budgie.
  • Patience and gradual introduction are key when introducing new foods to a picky eater.

Budgie’s diet and feeding

Budgerigars, commonly known as budgies, are popular pet birds that originate from Australia. Their natural diet consists mainly of grass and grain seeds, but budgies kept as pets can eat a diverse range of foods. Providing an appropriate diet is important for supporting budgie health and preventing nutritional deficiencies. This article discusses the key components of a budgie diet and safe, nutritious food options.

Seed mix

A quality seed mix should form the staple diet for pet budgies. Select a mix specifically formulated for budgies, containing a blend of millets, oats, wheat, corn, legumes, grass seeds, and herbs. Budgies selectively choose their favorite seeds, so a diverse mix prevents them from only eating one or two seed types. The exact seed percentage in the mix depends on the bird’s life stage:

  • Adult and young budgies: 50-70% seeds
  • Breeding budgies: 70-90% seeds to meet increased energy and nutrient needs

Supplement seeds with pelleted diets and vegetables for a balanced diet (see below). Store seed mixes in an airtight container and discard after 3-4 months as the oils in seeds become rancid over time.


While seeds offer carbohydrates and protein, they don’t provide complete nutrition. Pellets are commercially formulated feeds that contain added vitamins and minerals that budgies need. They provide balanced nutrition to complement the seed mix. Slowly transition budgies to pellets over 2-4 weeks, starting with a 25:75 pellet-to-seed mix ratio. Gradually increase the percentage of pellets to reach an ideal ratio of 60% pellets to 40% seeds.

Vegetables and fruits

In addition to seeds and pellets, offer fresh vegetables and some fruits daily. Suitable options include:

  • Leafy greens: Endive, escarole, spinach, kale, bok choy, broccoli leaves
  • Other vegetables: Carrots, sweet potato, beans, bell peppers, squash
  • Fruits: Apple, banana, melon, berries, mango, papaya (provide fruits sparingly)

Chop produce into budgie-sized pieces. Introduce new foods slowly over 2-3 days and watch for any digestive issues.

Sprouted seeds

Sprouting transforms dry seeds into natural, living foods. The sprouting process increases the bioavailability of nutrients and enzymes. Offer lentils, wheat berries, quinoa, broccoli seeds, alfalfa, mung beans, and chickpeas. Rinse sprouts daily and serve immediately after sprouting is finished.

Pellets for breeding budgies

Boost protein to 13-15% and fat to 6-10% 1 week before breeding. Continue feeding the high protein and fat diet throughout the breeding cycle as chicks hatch and develop. Support breeding birds and chicks with pellets specifically formulated for breeding birds.

Hydration sources

Provide fresh, clean drinking water daily in a budgie-sized water dispenser. Filtered, bottled, or distilled water avoids heavy metals and chemicals found in some tap waters. position water sources away from food dishes and perches to prevent contamination.

For variety, offer hydration from dark leafy greens and fruits with high water content. Favorites include kale, spinach, melon, berries, cucumber, and oranges. Wash produce before serving.


While a quality seed-pellet diet offers balanced nutrition, adding supplements provides further support:

  • Cuttlefish bone: Provides calcium and minerals for bone health. Offer mineral blocks as an alternative.
  • Vitamin block: Offers vitamins, amino acids, and trace nutrients.
  • Grit: Supports gizzard health and digestion of seeds and grains. Use fortified grit with added calcium and minerals.

Position supplements near perches for easy access.

Safe fruits and vegetables

Most vegetables and some fruits are safe for budgie consumption. The following tables summarize suitable produce:

Fruits safe for budgies

AppleVitamins A, B, and COffer sparingly due to natural sugar content
BananaPotassiumOffer sparingly due to natural sugar content
MelonsVitamin A and water contentCantaloupe has more sugar than honeydew or watermelon
BerriesAntioxidantsRaspberries and blackberries contain less sugar than other berries
MangoVitamins A and CRemove pit due to toxicity
PapayaVitamins A and CRemove seeds due to mild toxicity

Vegetables safe for budgies

BroccoliVitamins K and CFine chop florets to prevent choking
CarrotsVitamin AGrate for ease of consumption
Sweet potatoesVitamin AMay turn budgies’ ceres orange temporarily
Green beansVitamins A, C, and KChoose fresh over canned
PepperVitamins A and COpt for green, yellow, or red bell peppers
SquashVitamin AOffer cooked soft squashes like zucchini, yellow, and pumpkin
Leafy greensVitamins A, C, and KEndive, spinach, kale, and lettuce (not iceberg)

Food and drink budgies can’t have

While budgies can eat a wide range of produce, some foods are toxic or harmful:

  • Avocado: Contains persin toxin which causes health issues in birds.
  • Chocolate: Toxic theobromine causes cardiac and neurological symptoms.
  • Caffeine: Found in coffee, tea, soda, and chocolate, caffeine is toxic to birds.
  • Alcohol: Fermented beverages and foods lead to alcohol toxicity.
  • Raw potatoes and legumes: Contain enzyme inhibitors interfering with protein digestion. Cook before feeding.
  • Raw meat, eggs, and bones: Can harbor pathogenic Salmonella and E. coli bacteria. Cook before feeding.

Also avoid sugary junk food, salt, spicy foods, and dairy, which provide poor nutrition.

Budgie grain and grass seeds

In the wild, budgies forage on grass seeds, grains, and cereal plants. Offer small amounts of these treats to supplement pellet-seed diets:

Budgie safe grains

  • Oats
  • Brown rice
  • Quinoa
  • Buckwheat
  • Wheat berries

Budgie-safe grass seeds

  • Canary grass seed
  • Oat groats
  • Bamboo millet
  • Golden German millet
  • Japanese millet

When introducing new foods, transition slowly over 5-7 days while monitoring droppings for signs of digestive upset.

Herbs and edible flowers

In addition to nutritious produce, herbs and edible flowers provide a variety and bioactive compounds beneficial for health. Safe, nutritious options for budgies include:

  • Basil
  • Dandelion greens and flowers
  • Roses
  • Calendula
  • Nasturtiums
  • Pansies
  • Chamomile
  • Lemon balm
  • Oregano

Introduce new herbs gradually by rubbing a pinch between fingers for budgies to lick a taste. Herbs comprise no more than 5% of the daily diet.

Calcium sources

Cuttlefish bone, mineral blocks, and calcium-fortified grit support bone health. Leafy greens, seeds, and supplements also contribute calcium:

  • Kale
  • Broccoli
  • Sesame and chia seeds
  • Calcium gluconate powder
  • Calcivet powder

Position a cuttlefish bone in the cage for birds to nibble on freely. They consume more when breeding, molting, or growing new feathers.

Feeding baby budgies

Parent birds automatically feed chicks, regurgitating food directly into their crop. Supplement the breeding pair’s diet with eggs, sprouted seeds, greens, soaked seed mix, and pellets to increase protein levels. This supports chick development and weaning:

Week 1: Parent birds provide crop milk secreted from their crop

Week 2: Parents regurgitate soaked and sprouted seeds

Week 3: Nestlings eat soaked and sprouted seeds independently

Week 4: Fledglings eat solid foods close to adult diets

Support fledglings with extra protein from cooked eggs and pellets to support feather growth and flight muscle development.

Can budgies eat cilantro?

Yes, budgies can eat cilantro. Cilantro, also known as coriander, is safe for budgies to consume and can provide them with essential vitamins and minerals. It adds a flavorful touch to their diet and can be offered as a healthy treat.

Can budgies eat watermelon?

Absolutely! Budgies can enjoy watermelon as a tasty and hydrating snack. The juicy flesh of watermelon provides budgies with essential hydration and a refreshing treat. Just be sure to remove any seeds before offering it to them.

Can budgies eat strawberries?

Yes, budgies can eat strawberries. Strawberries are a delicious and nutritious fruit that can be offered to budgies in moderation. They provide vitamin C and antioxidants, which contribute to the bird’s overall health.

Can budgies eat bananas?

Certainly! Bananas are safe for budgies to eat and are often enjoyed by these birds. They are rich in potassium and fiber, providing essential nutrients to keep budgies healthy and satisfied.

Can budgies eat grapes?

Yes, budgies can eat grapes. Grapes are a sweet and juicy fruit that can be offered as a tasty snack to budgies. However, it’s important to remove any seeds from the grapes before feeding them to budgies.

Can budgies eat cucumber?

Indeed, budgies can eat cucumber. Cucumber is a hydrating and refreshing vegetable that can be a healthy addition to a budgie’s diet. It’s low in calories and offers a crunchy texture that budgies may enjoy munching on as a snack.

Can two pairs of budgies live together?

Yes, two compatible pairs can live together in spacious enough housing. Provide two nest boxes so the paired couples won’t fight over nesting sites. Ideally, provide 1.5 square feet floor space per


Use the following budgie food list to select nutritious options to feed pet budgies:

Staple diet: High-quality seed mix, pellets

Fruits and vegetables: Leafy greens, broccoli, berries, melon, carrot, cooked sweet potato, squash, green beans

Protein: Hard-boiled or scrambled egg, sprouted lentils, bean sprouts

Grains: Brown rice, quinoa, couscous

Supplements: Cuttlebone, mineral block, vitamins

Treats: Herbs – basil, dandelion, oregano; sprouted seeds; few slices of apple or banana

Avoid: Avocado, raw beans/potatoes, chocolate, caffeine, alcohol

Follow the basic proportions for a balanced diet:

  • 60% fortified pellets
  • 25% premium seed mix
  • 10% chopped vegetables
  • 5% sprouted seeds, whole grains
  • Supplementary treats, herbs, nuts

Adjust proportions depending on life stage – more seeds for breeding birds and growing chicks. A diverse, nutrient-rich diet supports all budgies from hatchlings to adults.


In the wild, budgies forage on grassy plains and fields. Offer herb seeds to supplement commercial seed mixes:

Herb seeds for budgies:

  • Grass seeds – canary, oats
  • Millet – golden German, Japanese
  • Quinoa
  • Flax

Herb seeds provide amino acids, minerals, and vitamins. They offer variety and mimic the native diet Australian grass parakeets are adapted to. Supplementing commercial diets with herbs and edible flowers has health and behavioral enrichment benefits.

Conclusion: What can budgies eat

In summary, pet budgies thrive on a balanced diet comprised of the following:

  • A quality seed mix and pellets provide balanced nutrition
  • Chopped leafy greens, vegetables, and limited fruits
  • Sprouted seeds, whole grains and edible flowers provide a variety
  • Cuttlebone provides essential calcium and minerals

Tailor the diet to the individual bird’s life stage to provide optimal nutrition. From weaning chicks to mature adults, a proper diet supports health and wellbeing. Carefully introduce new foods slowly while observing droppings for signs of digestive upset. Avoid alcohol, chocolate, avocado, and other toxic foods. Providing safe, diverse foods enriches the pet bird experience for both budgies and owners.

Frequently Asked Questions on Budgie Diet

What can I feed my budgies?

Feed pet budgies a balanced diet comprised of quality seed mix, pellets, vegetables, and supplements:

  • Seeds and pellets provide carbohydrates, fats, and protein
  • Chopped greens offer vitamins and minerals
  • Supplements like cuttlebone give essential calcium

Can budgies eat normal food?

Yes, budgies can eat a variety of grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables you eat. Favor nutrient-dense whole grains like brown rice over white rice. Offer more vegetables than sugary fruits. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, avocados, and chocolate.

What is the best budgie food?

The best budgie foods are:

  • Seed mix specifically formulated for budgerigars
  • Fortified budgie pellets
  • Cooked quinoa, brown rice, sweet potato
  • Chopped broccoli, kale, carrot
  • Limited fruit like melon and berries

Feed high-quality foods in a variety for full nutrition.

Can budgies eat fruit or veg?

Yes, budgies can and should eat fruit and vegetable matter. Favor vegetables over sugary fruit. Good options include leafy greens, carrots, beans, pepper, squash, broccoli, melon, banana, apples. Introduce new foods slowly over 5-7 days.

What do budgies drink?

Provide filtered, bottled, or distilled water refreshed daily. Position water sources away from food and perches. Budgies also get hydration from fresh fruits and vegetables with high water content. Favorites include melon, berries, cucumber, and citrus fruits.

Can budgies eat bread?

Budgies can eat small amounts of multigrain or sprouted grain bread in moderation. Avoid white bread, which is low in nutrients. Ensure other more nutritious foods like vegetables comprise the main diet over bread.

Can budgies drink milk?

No, budgies have low lactase levels and difficulty digesting milk sugars. Avoid offering cows milk to prevent diarrhea, digestive upset, and nutritional deficiencies.

Can budgies eat boiled eggs?

Yes, cooked eggs can provide beneficial protein to supplement seed and pellet diets. Offer small amounts of hard-boiled, soft-boiled, or scr, ambled egg. Ensure any uneaten egg is removed within a few hours to prevent spoilage.

Can budgies eat potatoes?

Budgies can eat cooked potatoes safely in moderation. Potato offers carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin C, and minerals. Avoid feeding raw potato or potato skins and green parts, which contain solanine toxins.

Can budgies eat chicken?

Shredded, cooked chicken can offer lean protein. However, birds should get protein from sprouted seeds, legumes, and pellets formulated for avian species rather than meats. Avoid raw chicken due to the risk of Salmonella bacteria.

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